Most people have difficulty managing their personal and family finances. With this in mind, the objective of the Financial Education Program is to provide students with basic knowledge about the appropriate use of money. Hence, such concepts as credit, savings, investing, consumer awareness and ultimately financial planning, are presented. These skills are crucial to ensuring the economic and psychosocial well-being of an individual. An educational program about finance and spending is essential for citizens to make informed, thoughtful decisions about their resources. People with sound financial planning have more opportunities and enjoy a higher quality of life.
A few years ago, basic knowledge about checking and savings accounts was enough for many of us. Today active consumers need to know more about products, services and finances, to maintain balance in their spending. Therefore, children and young people need to learn about budgeting, planning, conscious spending, foreign currency exchange, credit, etc. Financial Education Program classes involve some concepts about professions, work and salary, as well as responsibilities, bonuses and fines. Activities involving math as well as the simulation of everyday situations open new perspectives for the handling of material resources.